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Finite-Element Analysis

Moldflow Dynamic Series

Moldflow, Inc.

Moldflow's 3-D cooling analysis, MF/COOL, is a computer-aided engineering(CAE) method for studying the effectiveness of cooling circuits inthermoplastic injection molds. The analysis is a design tool used inmold making to improve both the plastic part and production costs.Three-dimensional cooling is completely integrated to the flow analysisprogram, MF/FLOW, and uses the same pre- and post-processors. Resultsfrom a flow analysis are passed across to the cooling program as input.Like the flow package, cooling results are reviewed as 3-D graphicsoutput. Results simulate what is happening in realtime between the moltenplastic, the steel mold, and the cooling system.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: Open Windows
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0

Moldflow, Inc.
2 Corporate Dr Suite 232
Shelton, CT 06484
Phone: (203) 925-0552
Fax: (203) 925-1175